Pavement Glossary: Basic Terminology with Pictures
Are you a studying to become a pavement engineer? Or perhaps you want to learn about the basic words used in road asset management? Pavement Management Services is excited to introduce you to our Pavement Glossary which covers basic pavement terminology, complete with vivid pictures for every definition.
In this Pavement Glossary, you will find definitions for:
1. Alligator cracks (fatigue cracks)
2. Asphalt Levelling Course
3. Asphalt Overlay
4. Asphalt Surface Treatments
5. Bitumen
6. Bleeding
7. Blow-Up
8. Corrugations
9. Crack
10. Deflection
11. Depressions
12. Disintegration
13. Faulting
14. Flushing
15. Full-Depth Asphalt Pavement
16. Hot Mix Asphalt
17. Hydroplaning (Aquaplanning)
18. Longitudinal Cracking
19. Micro-Surfacing
20. Polishing
21. Potholes
22. Prime Coat
23. Pumping
24. Ravelling
25. Recycling
26. Reflection Cracks
27. Rutting
28. Scaling
29. Shoving
30. Skid Resistance
31. Slippage Cracks
32. Slurry Seal
33. Spalling
34. Sprayed seal (chip seal)
35. Tack Coat
36. Transverse Cracks
Download your free copy of the Pavement Glossary now.
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